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Traditional Recipes

Roast Lamb With Herbs and Potatoes

214 users have voted.
Hello there friends! You can’t go more traditional than this.. I’m not the typical traditional type of a Greek woman at all, let me tell you..  When I was living in Greece, I never danced a traditional dance (although I know how to dance, seriously I have no idea how that happened) and I don’t listen to Greek music.

Roast Lamb With Herbs and Potatoes

413 users have voted.

Hello there friends! You can’t go more traditional than this..
not the typical traditional type of a Greek woman at all, let me tell
you..  When I was living in Greece, I never danced a traditional dance
(although I know how to dance, seriously I have no idea how that
happened) and I don’t listen to Greek music. I love changing the


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by Dr. Radut