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For Kids

A "smart" Mac n Cheese

211 users have voted.

10 days at JK... 10 days and he got sick! I know.. It’s a common
thing for little ones when they’re going to school for the first time..
So we’re home two days in a row..
Here’s a version of mac n cheese the way I do it at home.
didn’t know what mac n cheese is before I came here in Toronto, I tried

Chocolate Waffles and Homemade Chocolate Syrup

373 users have voted.

 Waffles are a standard breakfast and - or evening treat that Greeks
use to eat on their vacations in the islands. I have no idea why this is
happening, of course waffles are delicious but having waffles on
vacations has become almost a tradition for most of the Greeks and
waffles are not a greek delicacy.
Anyway, we love them, I don't

Yogurt Pancakes served with Honey and Figs

172 users have voted, including you.

 Late August and now it's the time for figs. I have memories
collecting them from the trees every year.. late summer. Avoid the
opportunity if it comes on your way :)
Here in North America you
can find them now although their price sometimes is just insane..  but
it depends on the store, hopefully you can find a reasonable price..

Potato Crusted Zucchini Omelet

139 users have voted.

Or clean your fridge omelet .....  But you know... do it in style :)
You can use the ingredients you like, it’s a playful way to present the omelet, my son just loves it.
is also a great portable lunch. My son is starting his first school
year in JK,  I'm super thrilled for him although he seems to be meehh...

Homemade Gnocchi with a Fresh Summer Sauce

98 users have voted.

I was 16 years old when for the first time in my life I had fresh
homemade gnocchi. It was at my aunts house. I was so amazed, by those
soft bites of potato dough!  My aunt Patricia is from Perugia Italy and
oh Gosh does she know about homemade pasta.


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by Dr. Radut