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Honey-Coffee Cake/Κέικ με μέλι και καφέ

21 users have voted.

Just in time for Monday's Cake, I thought I'd make this cake I found in Esther Brody's book last week. Very easy to make, very different as well as tasty.

we need

Glazed chocolate pumpkin loaf/Κέικ κολοκύθας με σοκολάτα για το...κέικ της Δευτέρας

52 users have voted.

Our fellow blogger Νοτούλα  from  ΜΑΦΙΑ had a great idea! Each blog is supposed to post a cake for two Mondays in a row, for a participation in "Cake Monday". We don't know whether we'll be able to keep up with it but, for today at least, we have a cake for it!

Blueberry-Oatmeal muffins /muffins με μύρτιλα

50 users have voted.

Back and in a good mood, dear friends, since September signals the beginning of the end of a scorching summer.. I had fun spending a few days in Cape Cod, MA, and then a few more days in the Big Apple, NY. As soon as I sort out my pictures I'll post them..

Cream cake

36 users have voted.



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by Dr. Radut