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A "smart" Mac n Cheese

211 users have voted.

10 days at JK... 10 days and he got sick! I know.. It’s a common
thing for little ones when they’re going to school for the first time..
So we’re home two days in a row..
Here’s a version of mac n cheese the way I do it at home.
didn’t know what mac n cheese is before I came here in Toronto, I tried

Wine Braised Chicken with Mushrooms and Tarragon

196 users have voted.

 Hello there! Last week of August. seems like summer is almost over..
Even if the weather is still summery and warm, we have things to do that
are bringing us back to reality, back to routine.
The sure thing
is that cooking will make me feel a little better, I'm holding my spoons
and knifes and waiting for winter to come!   

Potato Crusted Zucchini Omelet

139 users have voted.

Or clean your fridge omelet .....  But you know... do it in style :)
You can use the ingredients you like, it’s a playful way to present the omelet, my son just loves it.
is also a great portable lunch. My son is starting his first school
year in JK,  I'm super thrilled for him although he seems to be meehh...

Little Shoes...

357 users have voted.

We call this recipe "Papoutsakia" which literally means little shoes.
It's one of the most popular summer dishes of Greece and incredible
delicious. In the past, cooks used to fry the eggplants and then stuff
them with the ground meat. This is a lighter version, I'm just baking

Homemade Gnocchi with a Fresh Summer Sauce

98 users have voted.

I was 16 years old when for the first time in my life I had fresh
homemade gnocchi. It was at my aunts house. I was so amazed, by those
soft bites of potato dough!  My aunt Patricia is from Perugia Italy and
oh Gosh does she know about homemade pasta.

Stuffed Zucchinis with Rice and Mushrooms served with Yogurt (Vegan version)

321 users have voted.

 First of all I want to apologize for the picture, it was taken by my mobile phone :)
is a dish inspired from a traditional one, in which usually the
zucchinis are stuffed with rice, ground beef and they are served with
the classic Greek Egg and Lemon sauce (I will also post that recipe


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by Dr. Radut